Group photo of members and staff smiling in front of a lake at the Superhero Tri event

Welcome to Coalition Community!

The Coalition Community is a space for members to chat about disability, long-term health conditions and mental ill health. It is a supportive space where you can ask questions, share information or experiences with one another. An example of a post might be that you have found a fantastic accessible local café in Surrey and would like the community to know about it!

Coalition Community Guidelines

Coalition Community is a friendly and safe space for members, and being part of Coalition Community means using kind and respectful language. When asking or responding to questions please be considerate of your language and think about how your words could affect others. Please don’t give medical advice or share any personal details on Coalition Community, such as contact information.

This space is monitored regularly by The Coalition but if you discover a forum post that is inappropriate or offensive then please report it to:

Coalition Community is a supportive space but it is not a crisis service, if you are concerned about a Coalition Community member’s post then please report it to:

If you need mental health support or are in mental health crisis there are people available to talk to:

  • Call Surrey and Borders’ Mental Health Crisis Helpline on: 0800 915 4644 or by SMS text: 07717 989 024
  • Contact SHOUT by SMS text on 85258
  • Contact Samaritans on 116 123 or email them at
Join Coalition Community
I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
- Get More Active Get Together attendee
Simple acts of kindness that can transform somebody's day to day life
- Tech to Community Connect member