Yasmin with Coalition member Jonathan on a side by side tandem bike.

Volunteer for the Coalition

Are you a social media scroller, an online banker, an online shopper, a podcast listener a face timer?

Technology gives us the freedom to do all of this and much more!

For those that don’t have access to a device or don’t have the confidence to use technology, it can be an isolating, lonely experience. Our Tech Angels project is a digital inclusion service that provides devices, digital literacy training and confidence-boosting support to people from all over Surrey.

If you have a few hours spare a week and would like to share your love of technology with others, then look no further, become one of our Tech Angel volunteers!

Visit our Tech Angels page to find out more about the service.

Two people looking at a laptop as part of the Tech Angels project.

Could you spare a couple of hours a week to support others to Get More Active?

If so, become an Active Buddy Volunteer!

Active Buddies is a project to support Disabled people and those living with a long-term health condition to take part in activities within the community. The role of an Active Buddy involves being a companion at activities. Helping your buddy get to and from the activity, whilst encouraging and supporting them.

Visit our Get More Active page to find out more about the service.

If you’re interested in becoming a Tech Angel or Active Buddy please fill in our volunteer application form. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Coalition member and an Active Buddy volunteer by a lake at a Get More Active sailing event.

Prefer to volunteer in another way?

We are looking for people to help with various tasks in the office, get involved with mental health and other services.

Sign me up!

Please apply using the link below. If you require the application in a different format, please contact the office.

Application Form Age Inclusive Volunteering with Rest Less

I’d like a little bit more information prior to signing up!

We understand, and we love to chat about our volunteering opportunities. Please give us a few details below and then we’ll get in touch to chat more!

Volunteer interest

Would you like to:(Required)
Your name(Required)

Please note: All of our volunteers are required to complete an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service application (DBS check) and provide two referees.

Simple acts of kindness that can transform somebody's day to day life
- Tech to Community Connect member
I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
- Get More Active Get Together attendee