Surrey Coalition Monthly meet up Image

Surrey Coalition Monthly meet up 

Come and join us at our regular Get More Active Get Together’s to meet friends and try out different activities!

What do you do at the meet up? 

We meet as a group and try different activities with support if needed. Past activities have included Autumn colours walk and wheel, parkrun, sailing and inclusive cycling. We usually meet up monthly and you are welcome to join in, watch to see what it’s all about or just meet us for a cuppa. 

Where is it? 

We meet at different locations around Surrey depending on the activity we are trying.

How long is the event? 

We are usually there for 1-2 hours including time for a cuppa and a chat after the activity

How much does it cost? 

The event is free. You just need to pay for your cuppa and cake. 

Do you provide transport? 

If you need transport please contact us so that we can discuss arrangements.

How do I join? 

Get in touch with Katy: 

Phone: 07434 865 062 

SMS text: 07434 865 062 


I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
- Get More Active Get Together attendee
Simple acts of kindness that can transform somebody's day to day life
- Tech to Community Connect member