A group of members and staff at Alice Holt Forest cycling in the sunshine

Get More Active

Would you like to get more active?  

We know that being a little bit more active can increase your energy, give you a better night’s sleep and an improved mood. And you get to spend time with other people that share similar interests to you.

How can we help? 

We can help in lots of different ways depending on your needs and aspirations: 

One to one appointments 

Have a chat with our friendly physical activity expert. She can offer one to one appointments to discuss what you’d like to achieve and work with you to make a plan to help you reach your targets. 

Weekly peer support group meetings

Chat to others that are already taking part in activities or meet others that would like to get involved. Katy, our Physical Activity Navigator, attends each week to help you find activities of interest in your area. Katy also offers top tips on keeping active. 

Regular updates on activities that are local to you

We regularly share activities in the area that you can get involved in. From open water swimming to parkrun to Boccia and lots more. 

Surrey Coalition of Disabled People’s monthly meet up

We meet up on a regular basis to enjoy a social catch up and try out different physical activities. It’s a great opportunity to have a go at something new. We are also adding different activities and locations to our calendar all the time. 

Active Buddy

We understand that it can sometimes be daunting attending new activities so we offer an active buddy service.

Our lovely, friendly volunteers will attend with you. They can also drive you to the activity if required. 

I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
- Get More Active Get Together attendee
Simple acts of kindness that can transform somebody's day to day life
- Tech to Community Connect member