Angie’s Farewell Lunch

The smiling legend, Angie Taylor, is leaving The Coalition at the end of May. We held a little staff lunch to say a HUGE thank you for all of Angie’s’ hard work and dedication to The Coalition.

Angie has been involved with Access All Areas visits, making sure that venues and the countryside are accessible for all, she has run many a virtual social event, has organised many a member meeting, probably organised and booked more taxis than anybody ever and attended lots of events to promote our work!

Angie was seconded to us from Woking Borough Council in 2018 and has been a force for good working with us. We will most definitely miss her enthusiasm, wisdom and smile! However, once a Coalition member, always a Coalition member so we’re sure Angie will be popping up at member events in the future.  

Thank you, Angie, and thank you to Woking Borough Council for agreeing to the secondment all those years ago!

Angie smiling and opening a present
Sylwia giving Angie cards and flowers at the staff lunch
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- Tech to Community Connect member
I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
- Get More Active Get Together attendee