Get More Active Get Together – Alice Holt Inclusive Cycling

We will be returning to Alice Holt on 29th June at 11am for a cycle! To join please contact Katy – Email: SMS/Phone: 07434 865062

Read about our trip to Alice Holt last year: Our group arranged to meet at the Activity Centre for 11am and with all of our plans running smoothly we arrived within minutes of each other to be greeted by the friendly AHIC (Alice Holt Inclusive Cycling) volunteers. There were a variety of cycles on offer and soon we were choosing our cycles and getting mounted up.

We were directed to a nearby area of woodland path to get used to our cycles and spent a bit of time there working out the steering and gears as we rode around the figure 8. It had started to drizzle a bit but we were well prepared and had our raincoats on so that didn’t stop the fun. Soon we were feeling brave enough to attempt the larger circuit – a loop of about half a mile on gravel tracks through the forest. We set off down a gentle hill which actually felt quite speedy as we got going and it was lovely to hear lots of chatter and laughter and maybe a couple of near crashes…..not mentioning any names!

Of course, what goes down must come back up again and there was a short section where we had to work a bit harder to get up the slope. By now the rain had stopped and the sun was out so we started to feel pretty warm! Soon we were back at our start point and as we were still feeling good we decided to go around again. This time round the sun was shining in earnest and coats were removed. It was definitely time for a well-earned trip to the café. We returned to base, dismounted from our cycles, thanked the fabulous volunteers and took a short walk and wheel to the café. Some of us may have had some cake to go with our drinks……there was certainly a good selection of food on offer!

Simple acts of kindness that can transform somebody's day to day life
- Tech to Community Connect member
I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
- Get More Active Get Together attendee