Get More Active Get Together – Tree Canopy Experience

The latest GMA Get Together was something a little different! We were guests of the Surrey Hills AONB team for a tree canopy experience which was being set up as part of their annual Wood Fair. The fabulous Social Tree climbers ran the activity for us. They are an organisation who promote the value of safe tree climbing for everyone and enjoying nature from a different perspective.

We met in a wooded corner of Cranleigh showground where an interesting looking conical tent–like pod was suspended from two ropes. The ropes ran diagonally between two trees, such that the pod could be winched from the ground right up into the tree canopy. Syd our guide for the afternoon explained how everything worked and told us about the safety harnesses and helmets we would wear to make sure we were safe. Apparently, the pods can take up to 14 people, but we were pleased we were only going to be two at a time!

Anna and Suzan volunteered to go first, and Syd and his team assisted them into the harnesses and then the pod, all the while making sure they were working with their individual needs. There were brightly coloured cushions that could be arranged for comfort and once everyone was comfortable up they went!

Whilst people were up in the trees, the rest of us were able to take it in turns having a go at screen printing onto tote bags. It was great to have the opportunity to be a little bit creative as well as making a lovely memento of the afternoon. It also meant there was something to do for those that didn’t want to go up into the trees.

Next up were Steve and Jonathan. Steve’s height and mobility meant it was best to gain access to the pod via a hatch at the bottom. The team lifted the pod over Steve’s head and with a bit of a wiggle he was in. Soon, they too were up in the canopy and enjoying the peace and quiet. By all accounts they were planning how to set up a pulley system for refreshments!

Then it was the turn of the Coalition staff. We were helped into our harnesses and helmets before clambering into the pod. It felt very secure in the pod and it was a surprisingly smooth journey up into the trees. Once up there we had a lovely view through the tree tops and were surrounded by birdsong with the chatter of people on the ground seemingly very far away. We could have stayed there all day!

Here’s what Suzan had to say about the experience: “I can most definitely say that as someone who has severe problems with heights, going up into the tree canopy was a fantastic experience which I would love to do again. I felt totally safe and thanks to looking towards the trees, didn’t realise how high we went up. It was so peaceful while up there and can thoroughly recommend to everyone.”

Members in the pod
View of the forest from the raised pod in the tree canopy.

Simple acts of kindness that can transform somebody's day to day life
- Tech to Community Connect member
I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
- Get More Active Get Together attendee