We’re pleased to announce that we have been asked to distribute further funds from the government’s Household Support Fund to help Disabled people and those with long term health conditions in Surrey.
Applicants can only apply once and must meet the criteria below. This is open to people who have received a grant in the past, as it’s a new financial year. We don’t anticipate any further government funding next year; therefore we believe this will be the final round of funding.
If you are finding the increasing energy, household and food bills a struggle, then please read on…
Please note: Any cases of fraudulent applications will be taken seriously within The Coalition and reported to the police
What funding is available?
One grant per household (not per person) may be awarded to help with costs that you are facing. Please note grants will be awarded on a first come first served basis. Once we have allocated the full amount that we have been given, we’ll be unable to offer any further grants. So please make sure you apply as soon as possible.
Who can apply?
We welcome applications from Disabled adults, adults with a long-term health condition or a parent/carer whose child has a disability or long-term health condition who:
We will not be able to support:
How much can I ask for?
In most instances we will issue a grant of £300. However, you can ask for more if your disability or health condition means that your costs are particularly high.
We will ask you to give a brief explanation of what the grant will be used for when you apply. If you are asking for more than £300, please provide us with details of why you particularly need a higher amount . All requests for larger sums will be considered by our panel and we will let you know the outcome. However, please note that applications which simply state ‘high food or energy bills’ with no additional information are unlikely to receive more than £300.
How will I receive the grant?
There are a number of ways that we can issue your grant to you. We will ask you to choose the most suitable one for your needs.
How do I apply?
You can apply for a grant yourself or you can be referred to us by an organisation that supports you. To apply yourself: Please apply using our online form below.
If you would like help completing the form, please contact Rachel by email: Rachel.Czako@surreycoalition.org.uk or by phone/SMS on 07386021018.
If you are a parent/carer whose child has a disability or long-term health condition please apply for the Household Support Fund via the following link: https://surreycoalition.org.uk/household-support-fund-for-parents-carers/
Once you have clicked submit, please wait for the submission confirmation page to appear.