Meet our cyclists for the Superhero Tri!

Angie on a handcycle bike

Angie – Engager, organiser and outdoor adventurer! Whenever there is something new to try Angie is first in line! She is the driving force behind the Coalition’s participation in this year’s event. Riding high after her achievements at Winter Wonderwheels, Angie is keen to try the summer version and is hoping it will be a little warmer this time round! She aims to inspire others to participate and her motto is keep smiling and be strong!

Superpower – My ability to be super resilient and use my powers of determination no matter what the challenge!

Jonathan, Coalition Chair and Yasmin, our Involvement Lead on a side by side tandem bike

Jonathan – campaigner, empowerer, teacher! The Coalition chair and our very own Captain Marvel, Jonathan is a huge advocate for Disabled people. He teaches people to read braille and use adaptive software as well as being involved with many access and empowerment groups. He also enjoys combining physical activity with raising money for his favourite causes. Phew! He must be faster than the Flash to fit it all in!

Superpower – My superpower comes from my visual impairment. It’s either sink or swim and I chose to swim – well in this case cycle!

Jane on a side by side tandem bike

Jane – Magnificent Braille Transcriptor and youth champion! Jane started her award-winning work to make a difference in the lives of young people. When she’s not transcribing she’s a super musician playing guitar and singing. Jane also loves to get out on a tandem cycle with her trusty sidekick whenever possible and she’s really looking forward to feeling the wind in her superhero cape at the triathlon!

Superpower – I’ll use my musical mastery to sing our way around the course and make it feel like it’s all downhill!

Profile photo of Steve.

Steve – Rugby player, cyclist and comedian! A relatively recent member of the Coalition, Steve is always ready with a joke and we know he’ll add to the fun of event day. Since his diagnosis, Steve’s been adjusting to different ways of doing the sports he loves and he’s keen to challenge himself around the Superhero Tri course and see what he can do with his new skills!

Superpower – Some might call it stubbornness but my superpower is my iron will that makes me determined to reach my goal!

I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
- Get More Active Get Together attendee
Simple acts of kindness that can transform somebody's day to day life
- Tech to Community Connect member