Neil Marsden – Co-chair

Since birth I have had hearing loss. I grew up feeling unconfident and squeezed out of the mainstream in school. Despite the challenges, I have earned a degree in Psychology and a postgraduate degree in IT.

In my professional life, I worked for approximately 15 years as a civilian employee in Surrey Police and TVP – primarily as an Investigator in CID. I have obtained evidence from a variety of vulnerable people and have dealt with offences against disabled victims of crime.

As a person with disabilities, I wish to be of service to the public especially the often marginalised and underrepresented sections of our society – the disabled community. I am passionate about giving my time to represent the rights of this section of society and use my experience to assist.

I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
- Get More Active Get Together attendee
Simple acts of kindness that can transform somebody's day to day life
- Tech to Community Connect member