Pamela Murphy – Admin Officer

My name is Pamela (Pam) Murphy, and I have a little bit of an unusual history: I was a university lecturer for many years, but I moved into working as an administrator in 2017, when the department where I worked (Kingston University - Geography, Geology and Environmental Science) was closed down.

I did not try to get another job as a lecturer because of my disability - I received a Traumatic Brain Injury when I fell off my bicycle in 2005. I am now officially registered as being blind, although in fact I am lucky and can see well enough for most things. My speech is a little blurred, and I have to be very careful with my memory, ensuring that I record all instructions and arrangements carefully, so that I will not forget them.

Simple acts of kindness that can transform somebody's day to day life
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I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
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