Sylwia Squires – Office and Finance Manager and Technology Lead

Hello, my name is Sylwia! I joined Surrey Coalition of Disabled People in 2013 and have been in a variety of roles. Currently I wear two hats – I am an Office and Finance Manager, and also a Technology Lead.

We run a very successful programme called Tech to Community Connect, where we loan out tablets and other equipment to people who are disabled, lonely, vulnerable or old, and we have a team of volunteer Tech Angels who teach people how to use the technology in their every day lives.

Outside of work I am a keen gardener – sadly most successful in growing weeds. I love travelling and I’ve visited somewhere between 25 and 30 countries so far. And I have lived on three continents! I like to try various foods from different countries, and I always try to bring some spices or ingredients back home to enjoy after the holiday is over.

I love horse riding and scuba diving. I speak Polish and English, and I am learning Spanish. My favourite season is summer – I love the sun!

I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
- Get More Active Get Together attendee
Simple acts of kindness that can transform somebody's day to day life
- Tech to Community Connect member