Reflecting on the last academic year with our Treloar’s interns and work experience students

Over the last academic year we have had the pleasure of working with six very lovely students from Treloar’s school and college.

Treloar’s school and college, based in Alton, Hampshire, are the leading centre for severely physically disabled children and young people.

Treloar’s offers outstanding teaching, learning, professional care, therapy and guidance so that every individual can live, learn, achieve and work towards a future that is as independent as possible.

We started the year with an intern, Joe, who was helping us with our social media, blogging and videos for Tik Tok.

In addition, we were working virtually with Hannah, who was reviewing the accessibility of train travel. Hannah, wrote blogs, took photos and fed back on her experiences.

We introduced Ben to a bit of campaigning at number 10 downing street! Ben helped us to campaign against floating bus stops, here’s his blog.. The Coalition have been back campaigning at Number 10! – Surrey Coalition of Disabled People

Archie then joined us for a short period. Archie produced and edited a video with another Treloar’s student, Is, which was hugely popular on TikTok! Visit the following link to watch the TikTok video: The Coalition (@surreycoalition) | TikTok

Is will be staying with us. She’s going to be working on our social media, blogs, photography and videos for the next few months.

Finally, we were joined by Livvy for an office taster session. Hopefully we’ll get to work with Livvy again in the future.

We’ve had a blast working with the students. Thanks to Treloar’s for organising!

Mary, Treloar’s work experience coordinator “Thanks to the opportunities you’ve provided and thank you for including our fabulous students so wholeheartedly into your organisation”

Ben, from Treloar's outside Number 10

Coalition staff outside Treloar's, with the Treloar's sign behind them.
The Coalition's CEO, Nikki, and our work experience student, Is, are walking and wheeling on a path to picnic benches at the Astolat office that is blocked by a large overgrown tree.
Simple acts of kindness that can transform somebody's day to day life
- Tech to Community Connect member
I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
- Get More Active Get Together attendee