Shining the spotlight on our virtual Glee Club

What would you choose – Pop, Rock, Jazz, Soul or garage?

It’s pretty well known that music is good for the soul! However, a new study from the University of Exeter has found that playing a musical instrument or singing in a choir is associated with better brain health in older age: Music and brain health | Industry News | Independent Living

The study says ‘“Although more research is needed to investigate this relationship, our findings indicate that promoting musical education would be a valuable part of public health initiatives to promote a protective lifestyle for brain health, as would encouraging older adults to return to music in later life”

Well, we think we’re one step ahead of this research! We have a lively Glee club that we run every Tuesday. We have a music theme each week and any of our members of any age are welcome to join in.

We have had some singing in the past and this is of course very welcome but most of the time we just listen to tunes, relax and enjoy! One of the great things about this group is it gives everyone the chance to listen to and appreciate different music. If we have any musicians out there that would like to play for the group, do get in touch, we’d love to hear from you!

Glee club takes place every Tuesday from 4pm to 5pm, contact Join us, it’s a good giggle and now we know it’s good for our brain too, what’s not to like about that!

I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
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