Tech Angels at Surrey Heartlands’ ‘Continuing the Digital Journey in Adult Social Care’ event

On Tuesday 16 April, Caroline, Heather and Alex from the Tech Angels team attended a digitalising social care event run by Surrey Heartlands, Surrey County Council and Surrey Care Association.

This was an all-day event at Dorking Halls, with presentations and activities on the importance of digital services, AI and robotics in social care. In the afternoon, Heather and Alex answered questions from attendees during the ‘bitesize’ topic session.

There was a good level of interest in our Tech Angels project, and we made some positive new connections for our future collaborative work.

Our Tech Angels service provide devices, digital literacy training and confidence-boosting support to people in Surrey. The service is aimed at people who are at the highest risk of digital exclusion.

The service is made up of four parts (and you can access all of them, or just the bits you need!)  

  • We lend you a device that suits your needs (for example, a tablet a smartphone or a smart home speaker). You can keep the device for 6 months, we then contact you, and if you want to keep it for longer you can!
  • We ‘match’ you up with a volunteer Tech Angel. Together you agree how you would like to be supported and what you would like to achieve.   
  • We connect you to our ‘stay connected’ virtual social groups, if you would like to join them, or others on offer through the Virtual Wellbeing Hub.   
  • We give you the opportunity to become a virtual volunteer if you would like to.   

For more information about Tech Angels or to sign up, please visit: Tech Angels – Surrey Coalition of Disabled People

Coalition staff member Heather next to a blue robot that is carrying lots of sweets
Simple acts of kindness that can transform somebody's day to day life
- Tech to Community Connect member
I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
- Get More Active Get Together attendee