Accessibility at Surrey’s Food Banks

Accessibility at Surrey’s Food Banks Image

Despite Disabled people being substantially over-represented amongst people using food banks, there is little research into the accessibility of food banks.

In May 2024, The Coalition contacted all Surrey’s providers of food banks with an accessibility checklist. 17 out of 39 (43%) food bank providers responded.

The Coalition found:

  • 100% (17) of food banks surveyed could accommodate dietary requirements for intolerances (dairy-free/gluten-free), allergies, autism etc.
  • 94% (16) of food banks’ volunteers or staff are not trained in disability awareness.
  • 76% (13) of food banks deliver in special circumstances, with 3 delivering as standard.
  • 76% (13) signpost clients to services.
  • 64% (9) of food banks are accessible for wheelchair users (includes ramp and handrails).
  • 64% (9) of food banks have an Accessible toilet.
  • 57% (8) run drop-in advice centres or cafes.
  • 42% (6) of food banks hold Disabled parking spaces.
  • 29% (5) of food banks had volunteers or staff with lived experience of disability or long-term health conditions.
  • 21% (3) of food banks include Hearing Loops (sometimes called an audio induction loop; a special type of sound system for use by people with hearing aids).
  • 21% (3) of food banks have quieter rooms for clients to use.
  • 0% (0) of food banks held Autism hours.

The Access to Food scheme provides funding to people struggling with the cost of living who may also have difficulty, due to disability or long-term health condition, getting to their local food bank. 

The scheme covers the cost of a taxi ride to a local food bank. Access to Food is awarded once per household (not person) every 3 months and are on a first-come first-serve basis. To apply, please go to or for more information, please watch our animation:

For Cost of Living Support from The Coalition, please visit: Cost of Living Support – Surrey Coalition of Disabled People

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