Attia, Digital Inclusion Outreach Officer, tells us how Tech to Community Connect is making a difference…

Attia, Digital Inclusion Outreach Officer, tells us how Tech to Community Connect is making a difference… Image

Sometimes, it’s the small things that make a big difference. Simple acts of kindness that can transform somebody’s day to day life.

When I met an Indonesian lady at a recent social event, I chatted to her about the outreach work I do at The Coalition. Everybody that knows me, knows everywhere I go, I talk about my work and how The Coalition can help people.

I connected with the lady, and she very kindly invited me to her house for a chat.

English wasn’t the lady’s first language, she lived alone and found daily tasks such as banking, making a doctor’s appointment and completing forms a struggle due to the language barrier. She had tried to access help in person, but the language barrier meant that she was met with yet more difficulties accessing the services she needed. She felt very lonely and isolated.

We talked about how the use of a phone or a tablet may be able to help. She had a smart phone but wasn’t sure how to use it. So, I spoke to her about our Tech to Community Connect project and offered to put her in touch with them.

I visited the lady again after she had received some support from Tech to Community Connect and the change in her was huge, she was so happy and had started to enjoy life again.

She can now book her own doctor’s appointment, collect her prescriptions, listen to the Quran and is an avid TV drama fan! Access to technology has been life changing for this lady.

So, the simple act of inviting me to visit her has meant that I can return the kindness. I’m so delighted to have been able to help, and the lady is so delighted with the help she received.

The gift of kindness, perhaps it’s a superpower?!

The Tech to Community Connect service provided the lady with a SIM card, Wi-Fi and a tablet. If you would like more information on our Tech to Community Connect service, visit our website Tech to Community Connect Project « Surrey Coalition of Disabled People

I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
- Get More Active Get Together attendee
Simple acts of kindness that can transform somebody's day to day life
- Tech to Community Connect member