Group of people in a meeting brainstorming ideas


What is co-production?
Co-production is about working together. People with lived experience of using a service working with the service providers to reach a shared outcome.

Why is co-production so important?
Who best to advise on services than people that actually use the service. They have first-hand experience and can provide insights that nobody else can!

How does it work?
Co-production works with people that are affected by a service to be part of the conception, design, steering and management of services. It’s important that there is a shared power between all those involved to achieve a joint understanding. Quite often support training, mentoring and information is provided throughout the co-production exercise to ensure everybody is on an equal footing.

How much time do you need for co-production?
This really depends on the project. However, in most circumstances there is quite a significant time commitment from all parties involved. Some projects will pay or renumerate the people with lived experience that are involved for their time.

Why are the benefits of co-production?

• Valuable insights from those that are affected by the service
• Builds confidence and skills in those that are involved
• Provides a great environment for professionals and people with lived experience to learn from each other

How do Surrey Coalition of Disabled People get involved with co-production?
We work with Surrey County Council and NHS providers in Surrey to coproduce services. A recent example of co-production is the development of the Physical Disability and Sensory Impairment strategy for Surrey.

How to claim for your co-production work

I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
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