Completing Winter Wonderwheels 2024!

Sunday 1st December was, like so many other days recently, cloudy and chilly with a discouraging mizzle (definition: rain made of very many small drops). Coalition members were not to be deterred though, and we put on our waterproofs and extra layers and set off for Dorney Lake for this year’s edition of the Winter Wonderwheels! This is the second event in the Superhero Tri series, and it follows a similar format with participants walking, wheeling, pushing, running or cycling a choice of distances around Dorney Lake. The Coalition had a team of 10 people at the event walking and wheeling 5 kilometres – one trip around the lake.

At least the traffic was kind to us this year and everyone arrived in good time and good spirits for an 11.45am start. We were all ushered into the start area with those planning on going faster on one side and those getting their monies worth on the other. Santa led us in a quick warm up before Freya started us off. Freya is a long-time friend and participant in the Superhero Series and she revealed that today was her birthday! Of course, we had to sing Happy Birthday to her before she set of the starting horn and we were off!

Despite the rain we were a happy bunch as we set off along the side of the lake. Spirits were high and we chatted together and encouraged our fellow participants. Everyone went at their own pace and in no time we were at the top of the lake where we stopped for a welcome drink of water and to take some photos in front of the Olympic rings by the lake (Dorney Lake was the site of the Olympic Rowing in 2012). We set off again, over halfway and making our way back down the other side of the lake. The second half was definitely harder – legs and arms were more tired, the rain was heavier and there was a chilly wind on the side of our faces. Conversation slowed and the finish line looked very far away. Keep going, one step after the other, just two more bridges to go…..then one more. Listen, you can hear the Christmas music, not long until we can have a well-earned cup of hot chocolate. Final bend and here’s the finish line! Well done!

We were given our medals and met up with the rest of the team. We posed for photos in the fake snow and then headed back to the warmth of the marquee for hot chocolate and a well-earned rest. Well done to all of our team members and a huge thank you to our sponsors. If you are able you can sponsor the team here: Fundraiser – Winter Wonderwheels

Winter Wonderwheels medal, which is bright pink with blue writing and has the Marvel logo on it.
Coalition members and staff in front of a Winter Wonderwheels backdrop, with fake snow and wearing their medals.
Simple acts of kindness that can transform somebody's day to day life
- Tech to Community Connect member
I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
- Get More Active Get Together attendee