Get More Active Get Together and IMHN Wellbeing Event

For our first Get Together of 2025 we paired up with the Independent Mental Health Network for a wellbeing event. A group of 6 members along with Coalition staff and Active Buddies attended an accessible multi-sport activity at the YMCA Sports and Community Centre in Redhill.

When we arrived the sports hall was set up with some badminton nets, football goals and skittles and there were a few regulars who had started their activities. We were invited to try whatever we wanted. I think its fair to say we were a little nervous about what we might be able to do but we were amongst friends, and so everyone was willing to have a go!

The two David’s set off for the skittles area where David M could practise his excellent boccia skills. Members grabbed a racquet and started a badminton game whilst Steve and Katy had a go at basketball. I think everyone would admit that they were definitely out of practise at the start, but it wasn’t long before muscle memory kicked in and improvements could be seen. Most importantly of all we were having fun!

Then we had a bit of a swap around, with some members moving over to the football area whilst Katy, Rachel and Steve had a go at badminton. Fortunately, the session ended just in time as muscles were starting to tire and energy was dropping, and before any accidental clashes of racquet and head! So, it was time for our usual hot drink and a chat and a good catch up with friends. As our members put it:

“It’s getting together with people who aren’t judgemental”

“We value each other for what we can bring to the party”

If you’re interested in joining our next Get Together and Wellbeing Event please get in touch with Katy or Guy:

Katy: Tel/SMS 07434 865062 email

Guy: Tel/SMS 07305 009869 email

IMHN member playing skittles.
Coalition member playing badminton with Coalition staff members Katy and Rachel.
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I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
- Get More Active Get Together attendee
Simple acts of kindness that can transform somebody's day to day life
- Tech to Community Connect member