
Helplines – Useful Information

When to use 101, 111 and 999 numbers

A short film to promote the appropriate use of 101,111 and 999 numbers.

Who You Gonna Call?

Domestic Abuse help

Please see this link below to get some information on how to access help if you, or someone you know, is experiencing domestic abuse.

Surrey Against Domestic Abuse – Healthy Surrey

Surrey Police Pegasus Card Scheme

Our Pegasus scheme is for people who find it hard to communicate with us – we keep your pre-registered information safe on our computer and we can access it quickly if you call us. You don’t need to repeat all your details.

For more information about the Pegasus Scheme please visit the following link to our blog: Surrey Police – Pegasus Scheme – Surrey Coalition of Disabled People or visit Pegasus card scheme | Surrey Police

Hate Crime

Below is a link to one of our blogs which includes helpful information from Surrey Police about Hate Crime and how to report an incident: Surrey Police – Hate Crime – Surrey Coalition of Disabled People

Below is the latest information from Surrey Police on hate crime

Hate crime | Surrey Police

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I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
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