IMHN Wellbeing Yoga Event

IMHN group yoga session in a warrior pose.

We recently held our latest Wellbeing Event at Boxhill Village Hall, Surrey on Thursday 19th September. We had 6 members attend which included our IMHN Chair David Muir and Vice Chair Jacob Adams as well as Immy Markwick and IMHN Coordinator Guy Hill.

It was an opportunity to catch up and have a chat over tea, coffee and biscuits. We invited a yoga teacher to do an accessible yoga class, which included seated exercises. It was a chance to stretch muscles that hadn’t been used for some time!

It was nice to meet face to face and just take time out of our busy schedules. We are already thinking of our next IMHN Wellbeing event around Christmas time so watch this space!

If you’re interested in becoming a member of the IMHN and joining our events please visit the following link to sign up: About IMHN – Surrey Coalition of Disabled People

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