4 People sitting at a table chatting

About the Independent Mental Health Network

The Independent Mental Health Network (IMHN) are a passionate group of people with experience of using mental health services or caring for somebody that has used them.

The Independent Mental Health Network (IMHN) are a passionate group of people with experience of using mental health services or caring for somebody that has used them.

The network is for people who have experience of service use within the Surrey or North East Hampshire area. The network works with local commissioners to provide feedback on their experiences of mental health care as well as suggesting ideas on how the service can be improved.

If you have experienced mental ill-health, or you care for someone who has, we’d really like to hear from you. Join the Independent Mental Health Network to share your views.

More about how we work:

  • Members suggest issues they feel are a priority to be tackled
  • We meet to share experiences and discuss areas for improvement
  • We invite the relevant Commissioners, service providers and other representatives to our IMHN meetings to hear what our members have to say
  • We decide as a group what to ask the Commissioners to review
  • Members attend relevant meetings with providers, commissioners, health professionals, select committees and other working groups to make sure lived experience is included and services are coproduced
  • The Commissioners respond and we monitor the outcome
  • The Commissioners also ask us to help with setting up new contracts, and with monitoring existing providers
  • Our members are given the opportunity to be included in research projects to inform change
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