Photo expressing support through four hands holding each other

Current projects

Physical Health Checks for people with severe mental illness (SMI)

We are looking for members who have experience of living with an SMI to join our SMI physical health check sub-group. This group assists the NHS commissioners in helping to improve the quality of physical health checks and the uptake of them.

The purpose of this is to ultimately help to improve the physical health of people with an SMI and to reduce health inequalities.

Care at home sub-group

The network has been approached by Surrey County Council about commissioning the care at home service for people with Mental Illness, Learning Disability or Autism. Chris (the lead commissioner for this work) would like to hear your experiences and what you think a good care at home service would look like.

You can either send your thoughts in to the IMHN Coordinator or you can volunteer to join a group that will meet bi-monthly to work on the service specification with Chris.

Blog or Vlog for us

Write an article or blog to be included in the newsletter and on our social media channels about a topic you believe to be of interest to the network.

You could produce a vlog if you prefer (let us know if you need some help with this!)

Talking Therapies

Talking Therapies is an area that network members have raised to work on in the year ahead.

We are looking for people to get involved who have experience of accessing Talking Therapy services or people who have not been able to access the service to share their experiences. This work will commence later in the year but it is useful to hear if this is an area you may be interested in working on.

Peri-natal and post-natal mental health services

The network raised this as an area that they would like to work on later this year and it would be useful to know who might be interested in getting involved in this work.

I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
- Get More Active Get Together attendee
Simple acts of kindness that can transform somebody's day to day life
- Tech to Community Connect member