Introduction to Trainee Peer Researchers, Alex and Kirsty

Two weeks ago, Kirsty and Alex started their new jobs at Surrey Coalition of Disabled People as Trainee Peer Researchers. Kirsty recently graduated from the University of Roehampton in Psychology and Counselling, and Alex is currently studying a part-time PhD at Aberystwyth University, which focuses on residential crisis houses.

Kirsty and Alex are working on a research project to better understand:

•what support could help individuals, their families and carers to safely avoid an admission to hospital for a mental health crisis

•what support could enable people to get well more quickly and for admissions to be shorter

•how discharge arrangements could be improved.

This week, they met with the staff from the Mary Frances Trust to introduce themselves and find out more about the services they offer.

Next week, Kirsty and Alex will be going to Community Listening Events and the Forum of Carers and people who Use our Services (FoCUS) quarterly meetings to hear feedback from service users and discuss possible improvements that could be made.

In the future, they would be interested in talking to people who have experienced an admission to and discharge from hospital for mental health support, as well as their carers and/or families.

For more information, please contact Kirsty ( and Alex (

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