Monitoring Supported Living and Community Connection mental health services

Surrey County Council would like your help to monitor our Supported Living and Community Connection mental health services.

Surrey County Council meet regularly with the different service providers that we commission to deliver mental health services in the community. These meetings are to follow up on how providers are achieving the outcomes of the service and to hear about people’s experiences of drawing on care or support from this company or organisation.

As a person with experience of drawing on care and support from Adult Social Care or the family member/carer of someone using Adult Social Care, we would like your help to design and co-facilitate these meetings.

To acknowledge your time and expertise, we will be offering payment of £15 an hour for your involvement with this work. We are asking for the following commitment:

  • To attend a 30-minute induction with a Mental Health Commissioning manager (online or in-person).
  • Attend a 1.5 hour training session on how to run contract monitoring site visits (online or in-person).
  • Approximately 4 visits per year to providers (lasting approximately 1-2 hours per visit)
  • 1.5 hours per visit for research/preparation time
  • 1.5 hours after each visit to write a summary of your findings

Payment for your involvement may affect your income as payment for peoples’ time is treated as earnings. You can find further information and support from the Surrey Welfare Rights Unit.

The Surrey Coalition of Disabled People will be administering payments and will support you with this process. If you do not wish to be paid for you time but would still like to help us, you can apply to take part on a voluntary basis.

Please contact Jo Cranfield at if you are interested in this position.

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