Immy Markwick – Mental Health Lead

I’m Immy, I’m the Mental Health Lead for The Coalition. My job is to manage the mental health team and ensure we are able to listen to as many service users and carers share their experiences of accessing mental health services within Surrey and North East Hampshire. The team then make sure this feedback is given to service providers and the commissioners to let them know what is working well for people and what needs improvement. Our staff and members then work with the professionals to develop ways to create service improvement for our residents.

Outside of work, I spend my time making delicious food and usually a massive mess too. I like to read and am often listening to an audiobook whilst doing other things. Also gardening and visiting new parts of the country with my friends on short trips. I’m also a carer for my father who uses an electric wheelchair.

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I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
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