Surrey Police – Pegasus Scheme

Information below about the Surrey Police Pegasus Scheme:

Helping to support our deaf, blind and disabled communities.

If a member of the public is deaf, blind, or has a disability which makes communication difficult, how could they call us for help?

Our Pegasus scheme is for people who find it hard to communicate with us – we keep pre-registered information safe on a computer system and we can access it quickly if someone in need calls us. The caller won’t need to repeat all of their personal details and we can be aware of any conditions they may have to provide an appropriate response.

How does it work?

  • After registering, a card and a personal identification number (PIN) will be issued. If a member of the public needs to call us, they’ll say ‘Pegasus’, and tell us their PIN. This will allow our call handlers to access their details right away.
  • Card holders can also show their card to a police officer, member of police staff or other emergency services staff if they need assistance in person.
  • Pegasus information is also shared (if permitted) with other participating emergency services (fire, ambulance) and local authorities.

For more information, visit

If you know a family member, friend or a member of the public who might benefit from joining this scheme, please send them this link to sign up:

Video below of Jon Savell explaining the Pegasus Scheme:

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