Tech to Community Connect is changing lives..

Tech to Community Connect is changing lives.. Image

Our Tech to Connect Project does so much more than get people connected. It’s changing lives, empowering people, building confidence and helping to improve mental wellbeing.

This blog gives you an insight into how our work is making a difference. 

Attia, our Outreach Officer, has been working with a group called the Angelic Network. The Angelic Network, is a non-profit making organisation, empowering the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Community of Surrey, through well-being, family, and digital inclusion.

The Angelic Network group meet weekly to learn how to use various technological devices. The trainer is multilingual and teaches the group how to send emails, how to use online banking and make doctors appointments.

Our Tech to Community Connect project have partnered with this group to provide them with devices so they can learn new skills. We also refer anybody that contacts the Tech to Community Connect service to this group for training.

Some of the ladies’ chat to us about what they have been learning and the difference it has made.

One lady with a new baby was finding it difficult to meet people and socialise. ‘This group has really helped me to meet new people, it’s really helped with my mental well-being. I’ve also been learning lots of technical skills too that really helps with day-to-day life’

Another lady told us how she no longer has to rely on her children to help her with technology. ‘They learn how to use technology at school, but we don’t get taught and so rely on them’ 

A lady from Afghanistan, told us how pleased she was to find the group and learn how to use different apps and technology. As the trainer can speak many languages there’s no language barrier.

Over the next few weeks, the group will be learning how to write a CV so they can seek employment.

When you visit the group it’s really clear how much difference it makes. Everybody spoke about how wonderful it was, how it helped to reduce digital and social isolation and as the sessions are taught in English many of them spoke about how much their English had improved.

Read more about our Tech to Community Connect project on the link below:

Tech to Community Connect

Simple acts of kindness that can transform somebody's day to day life
- Tech to Community Connect member
I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
- Get More Active Get Together attendee