We have some exciting news to share with you…

Colourful gradient background with an image in the centre of the Coalition team smiling.

At our last AGM in September 2023, we successfully obtained a majority of votes to become a charity. Behind the scenes we have been busy working and coordinating this change, and we’re delighted to announce that we are now officially a charity!

Becoming a charity enables us to grow further and access more funding opportunities.

Our top priority continues to be involvement from our members and co-production work. Below is information on how the charity status changes membership responsibilities:

Previous member responsibilities when we were an organisation:

  • Have legal responsibilities, these include being legally responsible for the actions of the organisations.
  • If the organisation goes into liquidation, all members are financially liable to pay £1
  • Have the legal right to vote on key decisions for the organisation
  • Lots of involvement in everything we do

Current membership responsibilities now we are a charity:

  • Have no legal responsibilities
  • No financial responsibilities
  • No legal right to vote on key decisions
  • Lots of involvement in everything we do

We will also be gradually updating our digital and printed communications to reflect the new status. With our new charity number and updating our terminology from ‘not-for-profit organisation’ to ‘charity’.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us along this journey, and we look forward to this exciting new chapter at The Coalition!

Please visit page four on the document below for the Easy Read version of our charity status update:

Simple acts of kindness that can transform somebody's day to day life
- Tech to Community Connect member
I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
- Get More Active Get Together attendee