Photo of members and staff at Alice Holt Forest. This is a photo from the cycling Get More Active Get Together

Our work is focused on six areas

Easy Read version of Areas of Work page:

Getting Involved

Specialist interest groups that meet regularly with key health, social care and community partners to co-produce services and to feedback any concerns or issues that are affecting Disabled people


Access to technology and advice. If you don’t have access to technology or you need a helping hand to use your device, the Technology team can help

Physical Activity

Access to advice and support to help you get active. We offer a one-to-one appointment with our physical activity expert to help you get active. Our physical activity team also signpost and share activities that you can get involved with that are near you. We also offer a monthly meet up to our members.

Mental Health

A network of people who have had mental ill-health, and carers, who work together with the NHS and social care service providers to improve mental health care in Surrey and North East Hampshire

Campaigning and Influencing

The opportunity to highlight concerns and influence change for Disabled People

Keeping you connected

A range of social events from book club, glee club, virtual café, virtual trips and craft club Keeping you updated on everything that is happening in your local community that you can get involved with.
Simple acts of kindness that can transform somebody's day to day life
- Tech to Community Connect member
I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
- Get More Active Get Together attendee