FoCUS holds public meetings where NHS Managers learn from people who have experienced these services, what works well and what could be improved.
FoCUS members are carers and people who currently use services or have used services in the last five years. (Members must be 18 years +)
We hold a meeting for each geographical area each month and meet either virtually or in person.
If you are unable to attend meetings you can still be involved. We send regular updates by post or email and you can give us your views. You can also follow us on Facebook
Anybody that uses or has used mental health, learning disability, older people and Drug and Alcohol services in Surrey and North East Hampshire in the last 5 years. Carers are also very welcome.
You can get involved in helping to shape the future of services for people. It’s also an opportunity to meet new people and share experiences.
If you are interested in joining the group or would like to attend a meeting to find out more, please contact Jennie Coulson, who works for Surrey Coalition of Disabled People as the FoCUS Involvement Coordinator. Jennie can be contacted by email, Telephone 01483 456558, Mobile/SMS Text 07492342573 or by using our online contact form.
You can also use our online joining form to sign up and become a member: Membership joining form – Surrey Coalition of Disabled People
For FoCUS meeting dates, venues, agendas and notes of previous meetings please visit the FoCUS page on Surrey and Borders Partnership Foundation Trust’s website: FoCUS: Forum of Carers and People Who Use Services : Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (
At Surrey Coalition of Disabled People, we believe in the social model of disability. The Social Model focuses on the changes that need to be made by society such as changes in attitude and social support to overcome barriers and physical change to structures.
Read more about the different models
We’re a dedicated friendly team that place Disabled people at the centre of everything that we do. Surrey Coalition of Disabled People Board of Directors set the direction and strategy for the organisation. Find out more about the Board of Directors (link)
The staff team ensure the smooth running of the organisation and deliver the strategy. Find out more about the staff team (link)
For all our contact details follow this link.
Stay up to date with everything that we offer at The Coalition by joining us as a member. You’ll be the first to know about everything that we’re doing and here’s the best bit…it’s free to join!