Photo of members and staff at Alice Holt Forest. This is a photo from the cycling Get More Active Get Together

Useful Information

When to use 101, 111 and 999 numbers

A short film to promote the appropriate use of 101,111 and 999 numbers.

Who You Gonna Call?

Domestic Abuse help

Please see this link below to get some information on how to access help if you, or someone you know, is experiencing domestic abuse.

Surrey Against Domestic Abuse – Healthy Surrey

Warm Welcomes

The Warm Welcomes are spaces across the county, where people can drop-in, get warm, have a hot drink and be in the company of other people. Very simply a place to get warm. There will also be people on hand to give free energy advice. Helping people with advice to make their homes more energy efficient and ultimately reduce their fuel bills.

List of Warm Welcome Venues in Surrey – Surrey County Council (

Food Support in Surrey

We have created a map of the food support services available in Surrey, this includes Food Banks, Community Fridges and Cupboards and Warm Welcomes. Please visit the following link to access the map: Support in Surrey – Google My Maps

Surrey Energy Advice Tool

The online Energy Advice tool can help any Surrey resident with their energy use. Answer a short series of questions and we’ll provide you with information tailored to your personal circumstances. Based on the answers you give, you will receive information on grants, support and advice and non-financial help on a range of topics.

Surrey Energy Advice

SES Water: supporting our customers

SES Water have helpful information on their website and on the poster below about support and payment schemes they offer for water bills.

Help paying your bill | SES Water

Covid and vaccination updates from Surrey Heartlands CCG

For some Covid FAQs and Resources please visit Surrey Heartlands CCG websites. They are regularly updated.
Surrey Hartlands Vaccination FAQs
Surrey Heartlands Vaccination resources

Virtual adventures from home

The involvement team run virtual trips to places of interest throughout the year. Please refer to our events calendar for details of what’s coming up Events & What’s On – Surrey Coalition of Disabled People

Links to our previous virtual trips are on YouTube: Surrey Coalition – YouTube

Money saving tips for disabled people

A very good article from Martin Lewis is here.

Police advice on safety for people with disabilities in case of a terror attack

Applying for a Blue Badge

Blue Badges help people with disabilities or health conditions park closer to their destination. You can apply for a badge for yourself, on behalf of somebody else or an organisation that transports people that need a Blue Badge. You can apply using the link below:

Apply for or renew a Blue Badge – GOV.UK (

A great tool to find Blue Badge parking!

We would like to let you know about

It’s a free, crowd-sourced map of disabled parking spaces around the world. It’s not commercial, is completely self-funded.

The database can also be downloaded to Satnavs and an Android app is available (with an iPhone version in development).

Here is some information which explains how and why was created.

What you need to know before leaving hospital

Healthwatch Surrey have prepared a useful checklist, which aims to help people 65+ prepare to leave the hospital.

The checklist is available here.

What is Advocacy?

Advocacy is taking action to help people say what they want, secure their rights, represent their interests and obtain services they need.

Advocates work in partnership with the people they support, listen to their situation, take their side and ensure their needs, wishes and choices are heard. Advocacy promotes social inclusion, equality and social justice.

If you require advocacy services, please get in touch with the organisations below:

POhWER provide Instructed Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA), Instructed Care Act Advocacy and Instructed Community Advocacy for people in Surrey.


Text: Send the word ’pohwer’ with your name and number to 81025

Skype: pohwer.advocacy


Telephone Number: 0300 456 2370

Matrix provide advocacy for any noninstructed IMHA or Care Act cases, or any IMCA referrals.



Surrey Independent Living Council provide Independent Health Complaints Advocacy


Telephone Number: 01483 310 500 text: 07704 265 377


Further information about Surrey Adult Advocacy Services is available from the Surrey County Council website. Additionally, information about advocacy services in Surrey is available in alternative formats and languages.

If you need help contacting these organisations, please email the involvement team or call 07455 267 424

Radar Key from Disability Rights UK Website

Radar keys can be ordered via the Disability Information Bureau

RADAR Keys | Disability Information Bureau (

Surrey Information Point

Do you know someone starting to struggle with everyday jobs? Find out about the care and support available to them. Visit Surrey Information Point, or call 0300 200 1005 or text 07527 182861.

Wheel Map

Mark and find wheelchair accessible places — worldwide and for free. It’s easy with our traffic light system:

Wheelmap – Find wheelchair accessible places.

Patient Passports

This is a passport for residents with learning disabilities to take into hospital to inform staff about their requirements whilst in hospital.

Patient Passports 

Surrey Police Pegasus Card Scheme

Our Pegasus scheme is for people who find it hard to communicate with us – we keep your pre-registered information safe on our computer and we can access it quickly if you call us. You don’t need to repeat all your details.

For more information about the Pegasus Scheme please visit the following link to our blog: Surrey Police – Pegasus Scheme – Surrey Coalition of Disabled People or visit Pegasus card scheme | Surrey Police

Hate Crime

Below is a link to one of our blogs which includes helpful information from Surrey Police about Hate Crime and how to report an incident: Surrey Police – Hate Crime – Surrey Coalition of Disabled People

Below is the latest information from Surrey Police on hate crime

Hate crime | Surrey Police

Home Equipment Finder

The new Home Equipment Finder, an online searchable catalogue, has launched to help residents access the right equipment and technology to suit their needs, helping them stay well at home and less likely to be admitted to hospital.

There is a lot of equipment and technology available to help make daily life easier for people who are struggling with everyday tasks at home. New technology or small changes to around the home can make the difference between living independently and needing someone to help.

Home equipment finder – Surrey County Council (

Shopmobility (Guildford) – Scooter Hire

Guildford town centre scooters, wheelchairs and power chairs hire: Age UK Surrey | Shopmobility (Guildford) – Scooter Hire

Surrey County Council Learning Disability and Autism Hub

The learning disability and autism hub provides a range of information for people with a learning disability, autistic people, carers, and professionals in a variety of formats including easy read and video.


Additional needs and disabilities support (ATLAS)

Surrey Youth Voice participation group for young people aged between 8 to 25 years and have an additional need or a disability and live in Surrey. Find out more about the group and how to join via the following link: Additional needs and disabilities support (ATLAS) from Surrey Youth Voice – Surrey County Council (

Simple acts of kindness that can transform somebody's day to day life
- Tech to Community Connect member
I've not been out for ages; it was really lovely to get out.
- Get More Active Get Together attendee